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The Writings of AjTony Perkins
Everything I want you to know and a few things I don’t want you to know.
I am Ajtony Perkins, and this is my page for writing and news about my memoir. Scroll below to see more.
My Philosophy About Writing

“You’ve gotta dig deep. You know, people say that you should write about what you know, but that’s bull. You want to write what you don’t want people to know.”
Guest star Susan Sarandon as J.C. Small
Mike and Molly: Season 4, Episode 4: “Careful What You Dig For”
When I watched the above episode of Mike and Molly, my whole perspective on writing changed. I took the phrase spoken by the character J.C. Small to heart.
I exposed many things in my memoir that I did not want people and potentially the whole world to know.
My Inspiration and Motivation
Jennette McCurdy, the former child actor known for the Nickelodeon sitcom iCarly and several others, wrote her memoir I’m Glad My Mom Died.

I found McCurdy’s story inspirational. It wasn’t the details of the abuse she endured in childhood but the sense of humor she captured in her memoir. I also found her goal and purpose to coincide with my own philosophy of writing.
“I really did try to write a good book. The fact that it was about my life was, honestly, secondary.”
Jennette McCurdy, ABC TV The View, September 12, 2022,
My Reaction
Like McCurdy, I first wanted to write a good book. My memoir is not a therapeutic journal. I concentrated on the plot and only used brief details of adverse events when necessary to forward the action and explain a character. While writing my memoir, I became hesitant to share my darker personal experiences with the rest of the world. I looked to McCurdy again as an example. Her words in the interview on ABC’s The View I found motivating. I, too, believe my story Is worth telling.
“I think there is a story worth telling here.”
Jennette McCurdy
It is my hope that people will find my memoir worth reading and find hope and inspiration. I also desire that they will find parts of it entertaining and amusing. That ideal guided me to complete my writing.
All About Me: Well, almost all

The Good Witch
This is my ancestor, convicted Salem witch Mary Perkins Bradbury, being led to jail. She is the 7th great grandmother to Ray Bradbury and 4th great grandmother to Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Over 100 friends and neighbors testified at Mary’s trial on her behalf, but she was still found guilty of witchcraft.
Friends of Mary broke her out of jail, and she fled Salem, preventing her execution by hanging.
Witch Hill, painted by Thomas Noble, is not an exact depiction of Mary, but a representation of her likeness since Noble painted it 200 years after the event.

Wait for it.
What is in a name?
Yes, I am named after this guy, the actor Anthony Perkins of Psycho movie fame, and I was born after the movie premiered. What was Mother thinking?
Other men have also been named Anthony Perkins. Wikipedia lists three. So, why for me is it a big deal?
The story of how I was named is long and complicated. I am working on writing that story. I explain it in my memoir.
Here’s a hint. You would be shocked if you saw my birth certificate.
I identify with Patty Duke. We both experienced the same traumatic event in childhood. Her story motivated me and gave me strength. Knowing I was not the only person who endured the same experience brought me hope and encouragement. You can learn more by reading my blog post about “Patty.”

Memories of Typing Class
Kermit reminds me of typing class in high school.
The typing classroom was full of new IBM Selectric electric typewriters. However, there weren’t enough IBMs for all the students. One student had to use an older than old manual typewriter. For some reason, the teacher selected me. I don’t know why. It wasn’t by alphabetical order. Typing class was difficult enough. For me, it felt like prison, and I was in solitary confinement. No, actually sentenced to hard manual labor.

How I Learned to Cook Starting at Age Seven

I watched her show weekly and never missed an episode.
Julia Child became my new mother when at age seven, the woman who birthed me proclaimed, “Where is it written I have to cook for you?”
Mother used the plural you and not the singular. This meant she refused to cook for the whole family, and the cooking duties fell upon me.
My Story of Learning to Cook Told in a Slide Show
Published Writing

Arches News
Articles I Wrote for Arches Magazine
EDITED OUT: The English Grad Program | Arches (

The Truth About Nuns | Arches (
Understanding Workplace PTSD | Arches (
Short Stories and Poems
“Hometown Values” Northern Lights Journal, University of Wisconsin–Green Bay

Three awards 2019, Wisconsin Newspaper Association WNA Foundation announces college, high school contest winners (

Gold Medal–Best Editorial or Commentary, Milwaukee Press Club 2019 Excellence in Journalism Awardees | Milwaukee Press Club for “Edited Out”
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