The ironic double meaning of a kind and thoughtful rejection letter
I favor semisweet or bitter chocolate as opposed to milk chocolate. For some reason, I enjoy the bitterness of chocolate with little or no sugar. The less sugar the better for me.
I admit the bitterness in the following rejection letter, but I also have to recognize its sweetness. It is not a copy-and-paste form letter and actually states my rank in their selection process with words of encouragement at the end.
This is a far cry away from saying, “not what we are looking for at this time,” which I have often heard in the past and is way overused by publishers.
Hi Tony,
Thank you again for your submission. While we really enjoyed reading this amazing essay, we have decided to go with other writers this time, but it came very close to making the cut. We look forward to reading more of your work when submissions reopen in January 2025.
Kind regards,
So What’s Next?
Does this mean I’m getting closer to the top?
Will the next time be the charm?
Julia Child’s Use of Bittersweet Chocolate
How could I ignore Julia Child in a discussion of bittersweet chocolate?
I have mentioned her importance in my life in previous posts.
Enjoy Julia and her culinary mastery with the chocolate souffle.
The Brand Of Chocolate Julia Child Often Used When Baking (
Scharffen Berger Chocolate | Harry & David (
Julia Child’s Kitchen | National Museum of American History ( in the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C.

Julia Child’s Chocolate Mousse Recipe (
Popular Julia Child Recipes | Explore by Cuisine, Course,… | PBS Food
The Julia Child Experience | PBS Food
Best Dark Chocolate: The Ultimate Buyer’s Guide (

My favorite chocolate bar with the most cocoa, the Lindt EXCELLENCE
95% Cocoa Dark Chocolate EXCELLENCE Bar (2.8 oz) (

The standard Hershey’s Milk Chocolate bar
HERSHEY’S Products | Chocolate Bars & More | The Hershey’s Store (

Learn about the different types of chocolate from Chef Gordon Ramsay
Bittersweet vs. Semisweet: How the Types of Chocolate Differ – 2024 – MasterClass
The “Agony of Defeat” for a writer, the rejection letter-15 so far – The Writings of AjTony Perkins
Far cry Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster
BE A FAR CRY FROM SOMETHING – Cambridge English Dictionary
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