I have returned to my old roots, Walker’s Point, for my weekly “coffee talk” and writing session at Anodyne.
My old stomping ground, LaCage Niteclub, is only two blocks away. Visiting this neighborhood brings back pleasant memories of days past, actually nights past. I was rarely found in this area during daylight.
Coffee Talk: Less Talk, Not More
Actually, there is no “coffee talk.” My writing group meets for two hours and 45 minutes of silent writing, and then we talk about what we wrote.

Me perched behind my laptop at the coffee shop.
I am here on Sundays from 12 Noon to 3 pm.
Stop in and say hi.
I think I’m feeling good vibes and motivation when writing here. Hopefully, this will be evident in my work.
Time will only tell.
The Place to Be for Coffee Talk
Walker’s Point Roastery – Anodyne Coffee Roasting Co.
Find it here on Google Maps:

The seedy, in a good way, everything bagel and butter from grass-fed cows is my go-to snack at Anodyne.
I generally drink ice tea at Anodyne and not coffee.
On Sunday mornings, I usually down three cups of coffee before noon, and that is enough.
Classic Coffee Talk
All of this talk about coffee reminds me of a little-known composition by J. S. Bach.

Bach is well known for his organ and religious choral works. Being a student of the organ, I have played many in my younger years.
An iconic and often overlooked work by Bach is his “Coffee Cantata.”
It is the story of a young single woman and her struggle with drinking coffee, the newest fad and corruption of the youth at that time. Society then treated coffee drinking like it was smoking crack cocaine.
The woman ruins her reputation and the reputation of the whole family by publicly drinking coffee.
If you only want a small sip of classical music, here is the swirly soprano aria from the Coffee Cantata
By the way, the Coffee Cantata is sung in German.
If you want to dive deep into a caffeine attack, here is the whole cantata filmed in a “Turkish” coffee house. At the time, a Turkish coffee house was equivalent to a crack house today.
The whole work is relatively short, compared to other cantatas, at only 25 minutes. It is sung and acted out on the location and isn’t a “stuffy concert,” that many people would imagine with classical music.
Bringing It Home: Coffee Talk
All of this “Coffee Talk” is a little too much for me.
I feel like Linda Richman on Saturday Night Live, and now I, too, am “getting a little verklempt.”
I need a break. Talk among yourselves. I’ll pick a topic. Here’s another beverage.
“Dr. Pepper was neither a doctor nor a pepper.”

More about Coffee Talk
It’s ok to skip the first one
Linda Richman | Saturday Night Live Wiki | Fandom
Watch Saturday Night Live Clip: Coffee Talk – NBC.com
Saturday Night Live (TV Series 1975– ) – IMDb
Coffee Talk – SNL Transcripts Tonight (jt.org) First “Coffee Talk” with Mike Meyers as Linda Richman.
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