I am thankful for this woman, Julia Child. Although I never met her in person, she became a mentor and surrogate mother to me.
When, at the age of seven, the task of cooking for the family was thrust upon me by my liberated mother, Julia taught me how to cook in that pre-microwave era every week on her television show.
I would have not survived without the lessons Julia taught me. They helped me to navigate my dysfunctional home with the demands of my mother to cook for her and the demands of my father to be fed.
This was years before fast food entered my small town. Without McDonald’s and without a microwave, I was required to cook.
So this Thanksgiving, I am thankful for Julia Child for teaching me how to cook. I hope someday to make a pilgrimage to her kitchen at the Smithsonian Institute.
Julia Child’s Kitchen | Smithsonian Institution (si.edu)
So This Is How Julia Child Roasts a Turkey | Bon Appétit (bonappetit.com)
Revisiting Julia Child’s Roast Turkey | America’s Test Kitchen (americastestkitchen.com)
Julia Child’s Deconstructed Turkey Is Just The Right Thing | Just The Right Things
Julia Child’s Deconstructed Thanksgiving Turkey – House of Yumm
The history of the turkey, by Julia Child https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=972719901352499
Check out Julia’s use of chocolate in this post. Bitter Sweet-My Best Rejection Letter so Far – The Writings of AjTony Perkins

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