Mark Wahlberg, Zac Efron and Salem witch Mary Perkins Bradbury carried this secret–the third nipple.
Mark Wahlberg and Zac Efron both have a third nipple. Many in Colonial Salem believed a witch suckled the devil with their extra nipple.
This started out as a Halloween post and has now morphed into this. My mind does go in strange directions.
Mary Perkins Bradbury was my ancestor. and the author Ray Bradbury’s seventh great grand mother was an accused Salem witch. Did she have a third nipple too?
Many were accused of being a witch in Salem for having an extra nipple, but based of the moral standards of the day, nipples weren’t discussed in the open and the nipple information, if even true, wasn’t written down in the official witch trial records. Other excuses and accusations were made. However, the existence of a third nipple was mentioned in the literature of the day.
Today, we know that having an extra nipple is not a sign of a witch, as back in colonial Salem. In most cases, extra nipples are not fully formed and are hardly even noticeable. They may be mistaken for moles or birthmarks. Why do people have extra nipples? – BBC Future
Here are the examples of two celebrities who have an extra nipple.

“It’s actually the size of an infant’s nipple, it didn’t grow,” he said after he confirmed the rumor. Hollywood Myths: Mark Wahlberg’s Third Nipple | News | MTV
When Wahlberg was asked if he’d ever considered removing his third nipple, he said no way.
“I’ve come to embrace it. That thing’s my prized possession,” he explained. Celebrities With a Third Nipple: Zac Efron, Lily Allen, and More! (
As is often the case with odd body phenomenon, men and women with supernumerary breasts and nipples were tortured and killed during the European witch hunts. Extra nipples were thought of as “witch’s teats,” used to nurse a familiar (a witch’s helper). Even Anne Boleyn, the unpopular second wife of Henry VIII, was said to have either an extra breast or extra nipple (along with an extra finger), although this may have just been bad press.
When it comes to breasts – three’s a crowd? (

The handsome Hollywood star refuses to accept Dr. Pimple Popper Sandra Lee’s diagnosis of his extra nipples.
Zac Efron
Hollywood hunk Zac Efron is not timid about going shirtless in public. His almost perfect torso is a showstopper.
However, people have noticed two “birthmarks” below his pectorals.
TV’s famous Dr. Pimple Popper, dermatologist Sandra Lee, an authority about everything on the skin, has stated that those are not birth marks on Efron, but extra nipples.
So True? So False? Does Zac Efron Really Have a Third (or Fourth) Nipple?! (
Celebrities With a Third Nipple: Zac Efron, Lily Allen, and More! (

This is my ancestor, convicted Salem witch Mary Perkins Bradbury, being led to jail.
She is the 7th great grandmother to Ray Bradbury and 4th great grandmother to Ralph Waldo Emerson.
It has been said that her accusation was based on her having a third nipple.
It is also believed that having a third nipple is a genetic family trait.
On that word, I have no comment.
TV’s “Doctor Pimple Popper” Sandra Lee MD, the ultimate authority on extra nipples and other amoralities of the skin

Dr. Pimple Popper: Quadripple Nipple (TLC Wednesday August 16, 2023) – Memorable TV
Quadripple Nipple | Dr. Pimple Popper |
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