Rosie O’Donnell Flees to Ireland, Leaves Four Grandchildren in Grave Danger Behind.
I’m not going to get into the politics regarding Rosie O’Donnell’s move to Ireland. What interests me is her daughter, Chelsea, who lives only a few short miles from my hometown of Marinette, Wisconsin.
Like all of O’Donnell’s five children, Chelsea is adopted. She has had a drug problem for years, and O’Donnell has, in essence, disowned her. Chelsea moved to Marinette to be close to her biological mother.
Some might understand why O’Donnell would disown Chelsea, but the troubling part of the story is that Chelsea has four children—Rosie O’Donnell’s grandchildren—and O’Donnell has done nothing to help those children.
In this video from November 3, 2015, via Inside Edition, Chelsea claims that she didn’t run away and that O’Donnell kicked her out of the house.
Chelsea has text message evidence of O’Donnell making threats to her and saying, “Life is better with you gone.”
O’Donnell claims that Chelsea was born addicted to drugs and that she is mentally ill. She also threatened Chelsea over going public with her side of the story.
Chelsea’s birth mother claims that she was not born addicted to drugs, and she has Chelsea’s medical records to prove it.
When O’Donnell learned about the interview on Inside Edition, she sent Chelsea a series of rants by text message.

I don’t love you either
We are done
You suck
You are not my kid anymore
Life is better with you gone. Sad but true
In another interview, Chelsea states that she was devastated when O’Donnell divorced her wife, Kelli Carpenter, and that caused her depression.
O’Donnell’s public statements that Chelsea is mentally ill haven’t helped with the depression either.
Next, O’Donnell married Michelle Rounds and divorces her two years later. After the divorce was finalized, Rounds committed suicide.
Chelsea was living with O’Donnell at this time. This could only compound her depression. It may have also spurred rebellion in the teenager. At this point, Chelsea claims O’Donnell kicked her out of the house.

O’Donnell kicks out of her life two wives and a daughter, and she claims Chelsea is mentally ill?
She needs to examine her own life instead of projecting her issues onto other people.
It also appears that O’Donnell is using the drug baby excuse for Chelsea’s problems and is in denial about her own behavior as a poor mother that may have caused Chelsea’s troubles.
Chelsea was a child from a twice-broken home. Her adoptive mother made public claims that Chelsea was born a drug addict and that she is mentally ill. This could only result in pain and emotional problems for her.
Unfortunately, it appears that Chelsea has turned to drugs to dull this pain, and her life is, in fact, spiraling out of control.

The children have been taken away from Chelsea and are in foster care in Marinette. They lived with their mother in what was actually a crack house. The news reports of the conditions of the drug house are shocking, yet O’Donnell has done nothing to help her grandchildren.
O’Donnell should spend less energy publicly criticizing people she doesn’t like and more energy on helping her grandchildren. Those four young children are innocent and didn’t choose the life they are living. O’Donnell has the means and should do something for them.
Rosie O’Donnell’s Daughter Chelsea Arrested Again in Wisconsin While Out on Bail
Rosie O’Donnell reacts to daughter Chelsea’s child neglect arrest
Rosie O’Donnell’s daughter convicted, sentenced in Marinette County drug case
Rosie O’Donnell’s daughter arrested on drug, neglect charges – Los Angeles Times
Rosie O’Donnell Speaks Out After Daughter Chelsea’s Arrest
Rosie O’Donnell’s daughter Chelsea sentenced in drug cases

Chelsea’s son Atlas found in Marinette County, Wisconsin home
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