
Drinking and Smoking at Metro Cigars
I visited Metro Cigars, a Cigar Bar located in Germantown, just Northwest of Milwaukee, for the first time.
Drinking and Smoking in the Past
I enjoyed smoking and drinking at LaCage Nite Club 20 years ago when my friend Alex and I would go out clubbing on Saturday nights. That was the last time I did so.

A few years after Alex and I ended our run, Wisconsin enacted a no-smoking law in public spaces, including bars. The exception was cigar bars.
Most bars now have outside smoking porches, patios, or tents. Designated Cigar Bars are legally allowed to feature smoking inside.
Drinking at clubs without smoking, and especially without Alex’s company, isn’t fun. I tried a couple of times, but I was disappointed.

Blasting to the Past: Drinking at Smoking at Metro Cigars Today

Unable to fight my urge for past pleasures, I decided to try smoking at Metro Cigars.
Metro has a walk-in humidor that showcases thousands of cigars for purchase. To smoke at Metro you must buy one of their cigars. Carry-ins are prohibited.
They also rent cigar lockers, where patrons can store their cigars in a humidity-controlled environment.
I knew Metro wouldn’t have cheap drugstore brands of cigars like my Swisher Sweets.
The manager came into the humidor to help me select the cigars. My late father smoked El Producto Queens, which are no longer made. I asked if they offered any other El Producto products, but they didn’t. Smoking one of Dad’s cigars would have been enjoyable. My dad also smoked wood-tipped cigars, but Metro didn’t have those either.

I asked him to show me some mini cigars. Mini cigars are cool, just like Clint Eastwood’s cigars in his Spaghetti Movies.
The manager helped me select a couple of cigars.
I then moved to the bar.
Several years ago, I checked out a Cigar Bar that, although it offered alcohol, didn’t have a full bar. They served drinks in plastic cups. After learning this, I left that establishment without taking a puff or downing a drink. It was no surprise when it went out of business sometime later.
Settling in: Smoking at Metro Cigars
Looking for the perfect spot, I took my seat on the last stool at the end of Metro’s bar. That was always my spot at LaCage, both upstairs and in the basement bar.
I felt comfortable.

My dad’s standard drink was whiskey and Coke, but I didn’t order one. Drinks with ice don’t gel with me and cigars, so I started with whiskey neat. Then, I lit up my cigar.
After finishing the whiskey, I moved to my old standard–brandy in a snifter. I almost felt like I was at home.
Although Metro didn’t have an official brandy snifting glass, this one used for beer was close and worked. I needed to make sure my nose would fit inside the glass so that I could inhale the fumes of the brandy.

The bartender warmed the glass with hot water before pouring as I instructed. Then I warmed the snifter with the palm of my hand. Feeling the glass between my fingers brought back long-held memories.
Although sitting there smoking and drinking at the same time felt wonderful, I became lonely. I missed having Alex come over and have a smoke and drink with me. He did that a couple of times every evening. When he was done, he would pat me on the knee, flash me his trademark smile, and be on his way. He never ignored me at LaCage and made everyone know I was his friend.
Remembering those grand days, I also hoped a drag queen like Zsa Zsa would come over and sit next to me. I enjoyed my chats with her. Naturally, that wasn’t going to happen at Metro, not that drag queens are banned from the place.
Remembering My Cigar Mentor

Just when loneliness was taking over me, I received an email alert from YouTube. Someone just posted a reply to a comment I made six years ago about my dad smoking El Producto Queens.
I don’t believe much in coincidences. Somehow, I felt that my dad was with me there at Metro. I no longer felt alone.

Finding a Home: Smoking at Metro Cigars

After over an hour of sitting on a bar stool, I decided to move to the lounge with comfortable leather chairs. At LaCage, the front bar lounge that I frequented was raised and included comfortable chairs on wheels instead of bar stools.
Sitting on a comfortable chair added to the experience. Everything then at Metro felt like I was home.
Sipping brandy and inhaling its fumes for two hours gave me a buzz. I remembered that buzz from years ago and welcomed it.
The buzz was much like when I vape cannabis, but surprisingly and thankfully, I didn’t get the weight gaining and waistline-expanding munchies.
I enjoyed my experience smoking at Metro Cigars, and I will return again frequently and soon.
Since The Universe sent me a message from my dad’s final resting place, maybe someday It will grant me a visit from Alex’s spirit in the form of a new friend while I am smoking at Metro Cigars.

Points of Interest
Metro Cigars – Welcome to Metro Cigars (metrocigarsllc.com)
Metro Cigars | Cigar Friendly, Wisconsin | Cigar Journal
The El Producto Story | Cigar Aficionado
What Cigars did Clint Eastwood Smoke? | Cigar Cigar (cigarcigarinfo.com)
Clint Eastwood’s Dollar movie cigars-Kentucky Cheroots 10/4 Cigars – Maduro | Famous Smoke (famous-smoke.com)
La Cage – Walkers Point, Milwaukee, WI
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