A slide show of bars and clubs in Walker’s Point of Milwaukee, the setting of many scenes and chapters in my memoir, Boystown Revisited.
The Setting of Many Scenes

Links about Walker’s Point, Milwaukee
Walker’s Point – Historic Milwaukee, Inc.
In some photos, the Allen Bradley clock tower looks like it is in the middle of South Second Street. As you can see, it almost is.
Allen-Bradley Clock Tower – Encyclopedia of Milwaukee (uwm.edu)
Bahr Building the Home of LaCage in Walker’s Point, Milwaukee

The City of Milwaukee designated the Frederick Bahr Building as its symbol for the Walker’s Point Neighborhood and used it in their series of neighborhood posters in 1980. This was prior to LaCage moving into the address.
Walker’s Point – Poster – Historic Milwaukee, Inc.
Built in 1887, the building is also a registered historical site. The exterior remains much the same as when it was first built.
The Walker’s Point Historical District was added to the National Register of Historical Places in 1978.
801-805 S 2ND ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society (wisconsinhistory.org)
LaCage was Alex and my final destination on a Saturday night. After we visited other clubs for the evening, we entered our mainstay LaCage, at midnight like clockwork.

DIX is in the center of the photo, across the street and down the block.
Present-Day Clubs and Bars in Walker’s Point, Milwaukee
Steny’s Tavern & Grill | Milwaukee (stenystavern.com)
La Cage – Walkers Point, Milwaukee, WI
Fluid Milwaukee – 819 S. 2nd St. Milwaukee, WI 53204 (fluidmke.com)
(20) Kruz Kruzbar | Milwaukee WI | Facebook
DIX Milwaukee – 739 S. 1st St. Milwaukee, WI (dixmke.com)
Milwaukee LGBTQ bar guide (onmilwaukee.com)
Blasts from the Past
Milwaukee’s Firsts in NATIONAL LGBT History

Most people think of New York and San Francisco when they consider the nation’s firsts in LGBT history.
However, in 2016 The Advocate magazine stated that Milwaukee was “the most underappreciated gay Mecca in the U.S.”
What’s the Most Underappreciated Gay Mecca in the U.S.? (advocate.com)
Read the following article about Milwaukee and Wisconsin’s NATIONWIDE firsts, including the infamous drag queen wars at Club 219, long before RuPaul’s Drag Race TV series.
11 little-known facts about Wisconsin’s LGBTQ community (jsonline.com)
Learn more about Milwaukee’s LGBT community in LGBT Milwaukee by historian and Milwaukee-born Michail Takach. As seen on the cover photo, some of these firsts happened in Walker’s Point, Milwaukee’s “gayborhood.”.
Scenes from My Memoir-Walker’s Point, Milwaukee
This is what Triangle looked like when Alex and I clubbed there, Notice the single triangle window on the front wall and no sign.
Follow the Bar Exam link below to learn some history of Triangle and the transformation to how the building looks now.
Note: since this article was written, the establishment has changed hands, but the building still looks the same as in the exterior photos.

Triangle Bar was named for the pink triangle, a symbol of gay history and now pride. Read the history in the following link.
How Nazi Pink Triangles Symbol Was Reclaimed for LGBT Pride | Time
Foam Parties
Club Switch was known for hosting foam parties.
Here is a foam party at a different gay bar of the same era. As you can see the foam is up to the men’s chins. That is for the men whose heads are above the foam.
Alex and I took the plunge in a foam party at Switch. However, it wasn’t crowded like this.

Fat Daddy’s on the right

Switch bar today: The new POP
The club formally known as Switch has been totally remodeled inside and out and transformed into club POP!
New Life to an Old Hangout: Pop opens in Walker’s Point – The Writings of AjTony Perkins
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